JAS: Music Artist and Producer Taking on the Music Industry One Song at a Time!
Independent musical artist and producer Jas is no stranger to the music industry! Having her encounter with creating music in her middle school and high school days she began releasing her own music by 2020! Concentrating in genres such as R&B, Hip Hop and some Lo-fi influence in her music. Not only is she an artist but she is also a co-runner to a record label, "Gutter Music Entertainment" which feature a variety of artists. Read on to get to know Jas!
What creative field are you in?
I am an independent music artist and producer.
What name do you go by and how long have you been doing this?
I go by Jas, I have been playing and making music since I was in middle/high school, but I did not start releasing my own music until 2020.
What started your interest in what you do? How did you discover your passion?
I started learning to play piano when I was 11 years old and that was when I knew music was something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I stopped taking lessons for a few years due to financial issues, but when I was in high school, I started learning how to produce and got my first big music opportunity to further my skills when I was 17. I got accepted into a summer program for recorded music at NYU which was a summer program that really solidified in me that I was capable of doing. Which was more than what the small town I was from allowed me to do and continue to be inspired to make music and eventually feel comfortable enough to release music as an artist.
What do you hope to accomplish?
I hope to reach people and build a community that gets to witness my growth as a person and an artist. I also hope to be able to build a life for myself where I can always put my creativity at the forefront.
What is a piece of advice you would give to others interested in what you do?
Make your own pace. Do things when they feel right to you, don’t rush your creativity and always be authentic to the messages and stories you want to tell.
What would you be doing if you weren't an artist?
If I wasn’t doing this, I think I would still be doing something creative. I’m actually studying film and media in college right now, so I would probably be a photographer or a videographer if I wasn’t pursuing music.
What was your favorite piece to create or do?
As of right now, my favorite song I’ve made is one I released this past June called “Need You.” I think it’s the most professional sounding song I have in my catalogue right now and it was a collaboration with two other artists, Von Buckss and Jus Otto. And it was also nice because their producer, Trell, was there and he mixed the vocals and was able to give advice that I don’t always get to have in real time when I’m recording by myself.
What do you do when your feel stuck creatively?
When I feel stuck, I try to step away from what I’m working on for a minute and just reset so that I’m able come back with a fresh and clear mind. Sometimes it’s as simple as going for a walk and just self-reflecting.
What inspires you?
I’m inspired by the people around me. I surround myself with a lot of creative people and seeing them prosper and seeing the amount of love and time they put into their work inspires me to do the same as well as just having that sense of community to build with keeps me inspired.
What do you hope others can take away from what you do?
I hope people take away that sometimes choosing this kind of path can be discouraging, but that it doesn’t mean you should give up your time will come when it’s meant to.
Where can we follow you and contact you?
We can't wait to see this artist grow and listen to her up and coming album soon! Remember to follow us on Instagram and let us know if you would like to be featured! Please be advised that we do review requests to make sure they align with our purpose! Best, Red Truth!